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Cooling Methods for Diesel Generators

Mar. 06, 2024

There are many types of generators, from small portable generators used as backup power sources for households to large industrial equipment used as primary electricity in remote oil drilling sites. Regardless of the size and function of the generator, they all have one thing in common - they can generate heat.

3 phase diesel generator

Why does the generator need to be cooled?


Most generators have multiple conductors, and when current passes through them, all conductors generate heat. These heat rapidly accumulates in the system and must be appropriately removed to reduce the risk of damage.


If heat cannot be properly discharged from the system, the coil will quickly be damaged. Many problems, including clearance and balance issues, can arise. But heat can be greatly reduced through various cooling systems. If the generator continues to cool, it is possible to minimize the risk of damage to the generator itself. Finally, this will reduce frustration and avoid repair work.


Air cooling system


After understanding the value of unit cooling, we further understood the working principle of the optimal air cooling system. There are two main cooling methods for air-cooled systems.


Firstly, an open ventilation system. However, the air in the atmosphere is used to expel air. In this way, the air can be released back into the atmosphere. Suck in air and push it back around.


Secondly, a closed system. As the name suggests, a closed system can maintain air circulation. Can circulate air. If that's the case, the air will cool, which in turn cools the generator.


The air cooling system has some limitations, including the risk of overheating. However, most air-cooled systems are limited to small backup and portable generators, each of which can generate up to 22 kilowatts of power.


Liquid cooling system


A liquid cooling system, sometimes also known as a water cooling system, is an alternative solution. There are many types of liquid cooling systems. Some use oil, while others use coolant. Hydrogen is another cooling element.


The entire liquid cooling system is equipped with a water pump, which delivers coolant to the surrounding area of the engine through multiple hoses. The heat from the generator is naturally transferred to the coolant, cooling the device. This system is particularly suitable for large generators. In order to cool the generator, they need additional load-bearing components. It does increase costs, but they are the most common choices in commercial and industrial applications.


One important choice is a hydrogen cooling system. They are also used for large generators. The hydrogen used has high thermal conductivity. In this way, these systems can dissipate heat faster. So, they are suitable for large systems that cannot be effectively cooled with other cooling media.


Guangxi Dingbo Power Equipment Manufacturing Co.,Ltd is an early professional manufacturer of generators and diesel generator sets in China. The company has first-class national-level large-scale production and load testing equipment. Provide users with long-term diesel generator set sales, leasing, technical consultation, commissioning, maintenance, training services and generator set trusteeship business. If you would like to get more information welcome to contact us via sales@dieselgeneratortech.com.

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